Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

VMR Windowless Mode

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

Windowless mode is a new feature of the VMR and it is anticipated that this mode will become the preferred way for applications to host video playback within their own application window. In windowless mode the VMR unloads its window manager and therefore does not support the IBasicVideo or IVideoWindow interfaces. Instead, the application provides the playback window and uses the VMR's IVMRWindowlessControl interface to specify a destination rectangle in the application window's client area. In windowless mode the VMR creates and configures a DirectDraw clipper object to ensure that the video rectangle is correctly clipped to the application's window and does not appear on any other windows used by other applications. The VMR does not subclass the application's window or install any system/process hooks.

Windowless mode is supported for single input streams and also for multiple streams using the mixer and compositor. In windowless mode, the sequence of events during connection and transition to the run state is as follows:

The following illustration shows the VMR in windowless mode with multiple input streams.

VMR in Windowless Mode